I found a wild quail--if I keep it alive, can I release it?

I got a call right back. They gave me the number of the quail lady and we met on her way home. She had gotten another one at the end of her work day and she said it was about 4 days old and in bad condition. It was just lying there limply. She said the person who had found it didn't know how to take care of it. She said mine was probably 5 days old and I'll have to say that thanks to all the "taking care of a quail chick" info available on the Internet, we'd done a good job. Ours was lively and actually jumped out of my dd's hands and into the lady's box like a little jumping frog.

Thank you all for the information on how to take care of this situation.

So glad to hear! Kudos on your research and finding a rehabber so quickly!
I'm sure your little foundling will do great and be off being a wild birdie in no time.

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