I found out why there were less eggs since it got warm.....

Yup - this one had to go after it ate a nest of chicks!


Another one eating his last meal.


Last year, black snake no. 2. DS doesn't bother to try and scare me with them anymore. On the first one, I just reached down and picked it up, sqelching his attempt to startle me. This one ate 5 eggs and couldn't fit back through the gap. My dental hygenist really loves snakes, gives them a nice home under her horse barn to catch rodents. Haven't seen a poisonous snake here yet in 20 years. Luckily, DS is the one who has been seriously startled by these, not me!!!
I have to live with this thing in my house. My sons 7 foot red tailed boa.I like snakes but this thing being in the house creeps me out!

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