I found some blood in stool and watery yellow poop.


7 Years
I just introduced my 6 week old Buff Orps. to the coop with a mix of 8 week olds yesterday. I've been introducing them daily for the last week or so for an hour a day. Put them on the roost last night with the others and this morning I found some watery yellow diareah and a little blood in some poop. Is this from stress? I haven't seen this in their brooder or in the coop before so I'm worried. Any help would be appreciated.

We've had some minor squabbles today, but nothing severe. I'm keeping a constant eye on the buffs to make sure they are not being beaten up by anyone.

Thank you,

Happy Hen Mama
I think I answered my own questions. I went to a link that someone put up on pics of chicken poop. Looks like normal poop to me now that I've seen some pics. Bloody stool not blood but coral colored. I'm so happy I have this site to browse when I get nervous about my girls. Thanks!
Have they been huddling together with their feathers fluffed up like they are cold? If so, you chickens might have Coccidiosis. Make sure they have plenty of water, because apparently bloody poop could be from Dehydration.

Look up more on these things, and I'm sure you'll find more info on them than I will ever have! Good luck!
They seem to be doing really well actually. Not acting cold, eating and drinking normally so I think I was just nervous about introducing them to the others last night. We did have some rain that blew in early this morning which brought down the temp a little but again everyone seems to be doing fine so I think I may have over reacted. Thanks again...I'll continue to monitor their droppings and keep an eye on all the girls, but I think we are doing well. :)

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