I GOT A FREE CHICK. It's lonely ): What should I do?

Personally, I wouldn’t put him with the others. If possible, I’d go and buy 1-2 more chicks his age, and raise them separate from the rest of the flock until they’re big enough to be introduced.
Agree with this. If you have to buy 6, you could always sell the ones you do not want to keep at 6 weeks when they are off of heat.😊
And how old is the chick? Do you have any other broody hens?
I'm estimating it to be around 3 weeks. My friend didn't actually know how old it is, but also estimated around 3 weeks.

I have one other broody (Crevecoeur cross), and tried to sneak it under, but it (the chick) is FAR to big, since the Crevecoeur mix is bantam sized. And the broody just started pecking it HARD.
So, time for an update.

This evening, we left the little chick inside the chicken run when we were leaving for church.
We came back, and to our surprise, he was sleeping with the little flock of 6 chicks! He is much smaller, but I guess they let him be with them since he was cuddling right in the middle of all of them ❤️ :yesss: !

So, turns out I don't need to house him OR get him any friends.
He's right where he belongs :)❤️👍

(P.S. For some reason, the mother of the 6 chicks likes to sleep AWAY from the chicks (on a roost) and reunites with them in the morning. This was the best opportunity for my little guy to slip into their little flock without the mom pecking at him! I'm so happy it turned out this way!)

Thanks for everyone's help
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Our little GLW is doing great. He seems to be pretty lonely, but he's fine that way. He roosts with the pullets and sometimes with the older chickens. He seems to fit in okay.

His coloring is getting pretty!

He's pretty skittish, so I couldn't get the best pictures!




And this is his dad, but not really his dad. Just one of my older GLW roosters.


Sorry for the picture overload!!

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