I got a new live trap...Update: new cam

This one prints the time, date, and name of the camera that you set (I guess if you have several....) not any kind of serial numbers.

It seems that I have a faulty SD card. It works FINE in my Sanyo everyday cam, but it saved ZERO pictures on the game cam last night, and also would not work in a Brushnell (sp?) game cam that I used last year.
I'm pretty sure it should have taken a pic of SOMETHING, but there was nothing on the card.
If it couldn't read the card it should revert to it's internal memory, but I don't know if I can extract from it's internal memory. It came with a USB slot, SD card slot, and a TV cable hole --- and a TV cable cord. We don't have a TV. Bleh. It didn't come with a USB cord and the small end of the USB that goes in the cam is different than for my Sanyo cam but I think it might be the same as my printer (go figure) SOooooooo I'll hafta get it home to see what I can make it do.

I have 2 2GB SD cards (one old, and one brand new) and I simply swapped them out last night before dark and brought the new one home for viewing on the big computer screen, and left the old and apparently "bad" one in the cam for last night.....so no pix from last night. I guess I'll grab a new SD card at WM, never hurts to have a spare.
I guess I broke the game cam switching the SD cards. I don't know what else might have caused it to quit working coz it saved 240 pix the first night (half of them me fiddling with it and a bunch of the roosters checking it out lol)
I can't get it to save a dang pic now, not even on it's internal memory!!!

Since it didn't get any pix today I took it home to see what I could get it to do.
My printer's "plain" USB cord works for it, but no pix on the internal memory either.
I fiddled with it and tried several settings (the default setting with and without a SD card to see if either memory would work) then I took out the batteries in an attempt to "reset" it - and got a brand spankin new SD card.
Reinstalled batteries about 10 minutes later and new card, and it's still not saving any pictures. The IR is working (red light) and I put it on auto, let the delay run out and it flashes like it took a pic.....but it says P:0000/1400 and E:0000 I assume P=pictures and E=events (movements) Right????? I've been messing with it for almost 2 hours

The first night I set it up and it took test pictures of the dog before I put it out, so I know it should be recording pictures when I test it!!!!!!!

This whole very entire week has just been so sucky. I spent my extra cold hard cash on a livetrap, so now I ain't got a pot to pee in till next payday and nothin but a receipt from TSC to show for my money I'm about ready to

I guess I can take the game cam back to WalMart and get it refunded on my CC, and turn the birds loose and just let the predators pick them off until I ain't got nothin left to worry about "protecting" anymore

Anybody got any good ideas for burning the neighbor's house down without getting caught???? I'm halfway kidding.....
ABSOLUTELY NONE of this would have happened if he hadn't decided to b*itch about my chickens over a year and a half after I got them. I could almost understand his rooster complaints, but the hens? They were fine for 1.5 years and suddenly he had to throw a pissy fit to the animal control. I see he got his dog back (dunno where it's been) so I think it's gonna start "barking constantly" and "smelling like poop" and anything else I can think of to complain about....
You need to delete the internal memory,
if you put the card back in it and the photos on the card have been deleted Via computer but the internal memory on the cam isn't so it will not start taking photos.

This is just what i learned about mine when this happen to me on more than one cam i was checking.
sooooo why isn't that in the manual? and how must you go about this? I told it to delete photos and delete events in the setup menu.....several times
I would just get a new one too if you can't get it going.Hope you have some pictures soon!
Don't give up on your birds! My neighbors stopped talking to me.Stopped taking eggs.No idea what is up,but if AC comes knocking I will deal with as best I can.

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