I got an orphan today!


In the Brooder
11 Years
Oct 15, 2008

A friend found her wandering around the streets DOWNTOWN!
I told her to bring her up and we'd take her in. Is it a white leghorn bantam?
No, it isnt a Leghorn, or it would have white earlobes. But it sure is a pretty little thing.

Looks like a white Japanese to me, does she carry her wings low and her tail high? We have two of them, and they are great little fliers, so keep an eye on her!!

Good Luck!
She does indeed keep her tail a bit high. You can kinda see that in the picture. Our big girls do NOT like her so she's sleeping inside tonight.
Can you get some closer pictures of her?

I'd say White Rock or White Wyandotte, but she doesn't seem to have the body type of either breed...but...again...I really can't tell from the photos.
I will try my hardest to get some good pics tomorrow. She's had an awful rough day and she's roosted for the night.

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