I Grew Purple Potatoes!

wow - those are cool! Do they taste different than other potatoes?
They use to grow those where I lived in Washigton state. The school always did some sort of thing during the 4th of July with red, white and blue ( they use purple) potaoes. I've also made fried taters with the purple ones. They're pretty
Yes, they are Purple Peruvian and they taste the same as a typical potato. Maybe a little richer since mine grew in rotted poop of all sorts topped with a nice layer of yellow straw.

There is a true blue variety and I am to add some of those next year. I know where to get 'em.

I have more to dig up yet but was happy with the amount just two eye divisions made. There are a lot more in the ground yet.

I'll tell you a secret. I picked some of these up as seed potatoes at Agway and decided to plant more but went back and they were sold out. So I bought some of those 'gourmet' purple ones at the grocery and also planted them. Same results except mine are larger, many are kind of finger like, oblong taters. Very neat.
Oh wow how I envy you. I want to grow potatoes soooo bad. I'm in the South, would something like that grow here? What a beautiful harvest! Jealous. I haven't even seen anything like that in a grocery store. Must have a purpler tater tot.

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