I HATE digging trenches for wire!!!!!!!!! HELP!

thank you so much, you just gave me a tremendous DUH moment!
i've been fretting and fretting about how i'm going to bury wire because my soil is nigh undig-able, full of rocks and scree and ledge. there is no earthly way i was ever going to be able to dig a foot down (you should see me try to dig holes to bury pets around here) in a trench for a 12x24 run!

so, yes, if i can't dig, chances are good no one else can either. (for the worry warts [including me], i will be abutting the frame of the run to bricks or concrete pavers.)
Trenching is my chore in the next few days. (Today I'm putting shingles on the coop roof
) I am going to use a cutter mattock to initially break the surface, then continue with that or switch to a shovel. My dirt is clay, so hard as cement. I have to get the 8x8 coop trenched, then right after that I get to do the run. That's gonna be a good 50' or so. FUN!
Sure hope these chicks can feel the love
Anyhow, I've had the wire attached to the coop and on the ground in a skirt for a couple weeks now (chooks not yet in residence in the coop), and I eyeball it every day knowing it is going to be a tremendous job. So I've been trying to think of ways to make it easier on me, and just as secure or even MORE secure. I think I'm going to bury the stuff not quite a foot deep, just let it skirt out farther underground; a little shallower, but wider. Given the reasonable price of bagged cement, I am going to invest in several bags of that and amend my reinforcement with that. I plan on leaving at least a thin layer of dirt over the top of that just so any diggers will leave evidence I can see.

I like the rototiller idea- only problem with mine is that I cannot to save my life start the thing
I always have to have DH get it running then I take over and do my rototilling.
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