I Hate Flies!

Did you buy the yellow trees? Do they say "vanillaroma" on them? I didn't think they smelled anything like vanilla...so I thought I got the wrong ones. I read one post about fly repellent for horses...I might try that.
What is it about the vanilla tree air fresheners and Avon Skin So Soft bath oil that repels flies? Anybody have concerns about how the scents/chemicals are affecting the chickens or eggs? I imagine the bath oil is intended for exposure to human skin and must be okay. I wonder what the long term effects of breathing in air freshener chemicals will be if any.
I didn't think they smelled anything like vanilla...so I thought I got the wrong ones.

Yes - Vanillaroma is the right ones. No - they don't smell of vanilla. I have no idea what the smell is but it's not vanilla, but flies don't like it for sure.

I wonder what the long term effects of breathing in air freshener chemicals will be if any.

No doubt there'll be something in it that will kill you, everything does these days, immortality is no longer an option....
.... but they've been around for ages and people have them in their cars (tiny space) so I think if it killed you quickly there'd be a lot of dead taxi drivers stopped at the lights.
Yes - Vanillaroma is the right ones. No - they don't smell of vanilla. I have no idea what the smell is but it's not vanilla, but flies don't like it for sure.

Well, I didn't like the smell either. PU - I threw them out.

I wonder what the long term effects of breathing in air freshener chemicals will be if any.

No doubt there'll be something in it that will kill you, everything does these days, immortality is no longer an option....
.... but they've been around for ages and people have them in their cars (tiny space) so I think if it killed you quickly there'd be a lot of dead taxi drivers stopped at the lights.

Thanks for all of the great info. The flies have been terrible here in NJ this summer - - even seeing an increase in the horse barn, etc. We have been using the fly tape, but I'm going to give the vanilla and Skin-so-soft a go.
I put 6 of the vanilla tree things in my coop, and SORRY IT DIDN'T HELP, couldn't tell any difference! I was very disappointed! And, I clean out the poop EVERY DAY!
There are flies around the house, fies around the horses, even flies in some of the stores where we shop. There are no flies in the coop. I bought( literally) 120 fly strips. I put up 4 a day. Once a week I spread out the De. I put all my waterers on concrete stands to make sure there was no extra moisture getting into the bedding and helping them out. *( wherever the stupid waterer leaked there were hundreds of flied before) I kept this up for a month. Now its just maintenance. Couple fly strips here or there if I see a few of them. It takes them a couple weeks to get ucky enough to toss now. Before i was tossing them daily sometimes a couple times a day. Just keep at it.
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We did that and our cochin thought it was a hanging treat and got all tangled up in it.

So far I like the Poultry Protector. That seems to be working.

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