I Hate Flies!

Okay, so we have had millions and millions of flies!!! I used the pop bottle fly catcher you buy at the feed store...you know the one that stinks...and it is full of dead flies! (I only got it 2 weeks ago) The problem is, the flies were still everywhere around my patio and the coop area! I mean EVERYWHERE!!!! If I walked outside they would swarm around my head, it was getting to the point as a new chicken owner I was thinking it may not be worth it until we got more property and could have them far from the house. After reading the forums and hearing people talk about the vanilla scents working I figured WTH, so today I went to the store:


That is every single Vanilla item Fred Meyers had lol. I went outside braving the flies and pulled out 3 trees and hung them up around the patio...and immediately noticed that the flies were not around any longer...and I am talking about in like 30 seconds!!! I then took 8 more and hung it around the run and hen house and put one of the cans of it on top of the hen house. I went out to check 15 minutes later and there are maybe 5-10 flies I can see, which is insane compared to all that was there before. I don't care if they last only 2-3 weeks, they are worth it, lmao I may buy stock in the company!!! Anyways, just thought I would let all of you know!!!

Not sure this will be of any assistance or not, but for those of you using vanilla to keep flys away you might consider making your own and spraying it around or resoaking the car freshners you already have, might save you some money. Making your own vanilla extract is quite easy. Take a bottle of vodka and put two or three vanilla beans in the bottle. Split the beans on one side, not clear through. Keep the bottle in a cabinet not sitting out, shake the bottle a couple of times a week and in three months you have the most amazing vanilla extract ever. Side note if you use it for cooking be very careful that is pure vanilla when it's done and it doesn't take much. Smells Wonderful.
I have another vodka based vanilla recipe that stops flies bothering you.

Take your three vanilla beans, put them in a drawer.
Open the bottle of Vodka.
Consume vodka (a mixer if your own choosing could be added) until the point when you can no longer see, hear or feel the flies.
Repeat as neccessary or until your liver gives up.

This recipe also deters neighbors, family members, current & prospective friends and partners, employers etc etc etc
That is greatttttttttt! Though I would not even be able to make it through one shot of Vodka, I think they use that stuff to peel paint. LOL. But I get the jest of the point, there are probably a variety of drinks that would assist. You only need to skip on part of your plan.......just don't buy the beans and throw them in a drawer, those little campers are expensive.

Thanks for a good laugh this morning..........I needed it!

Flies cannot reproduce in feces that have DE fed chickens... for attracted flies use a vanilla car freshener.
I just recently read this about solving the fly problem. They recommended hanging vanilla air fresheners. They say that the vanilla scent helps keeps them away. I honestly have to say I havent tried this but they say it works.
Good Luck with the fly problem.
OMG...I am going to make some!!! I only use pure Vanilla when cooking and that sounds awesome! Thanks!

As a side note, I use DE...I sprinkle it throughout the coop and hen house, on food and leave a tub that they can take dust baths in also, but the flies are a huge problem. Also I noticed today that though there are not as many, some of the flies have come back. I am not sure why, there is still less but enough now where they are a bit annoying but I could still hang outside if I felt like it.

And an extra side note lol, does anyone have any great ideas for making a gravity feeder, I have bought 3 now and my chickens...even though they free range like 60% of the day have managed to break them all...today they broke the latest and I am tired of buying them! There has to be some sturdy feeder I can make!

Thanks a bunch!
Your chickens free range and you still have flies? From about a week after I let my hens out, my fly problem disappeared. No more flies on the manure pile, no more flies in the barn, maybe 2-3 flies a week in the coop. Because I have horses, I always battle flies - I've tried fly predators and every gimmick known to man. Nothing has worked as well as the chickens.

One thing that did work for our wasp problem was to hang a few bounce dryer sheets around. They also worked great to keep the gnats away (I tied one to the brim of my hat). You might try hanging a few in the coop - I don't know if they work for flies, but they do smell very nice!!
I move my tractor every day and let them out to free range once in a while and I still get flies. But I tried the vanilla thing with come cheap stuff from family dollar and it has really cut way back! I might see one or two but then the girls quickly gobble it up.

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