I hate Foxes - from the UK

Unless you are a dog lover--I wouldn't get a dog in the hopes it works as a deterant. I have 5--yes, 5 dogs which includes a 110 lbs Canary Dog and a Wheaten terrier and the local fox came right into my back yard and took my Rouen duck. This happened in the middle of the day, while all 5 of my dogs lay on the back porch. I really wasn't sure who I was more ticked off at--the fox or my dogs.
Air rifles are perfectly legal in England and Wales and would probably kill a fox (give him a pretty sore rear anyway!). Other types of gun can be used with an appropriate firearms licence.

I have received 18 -22 $ a piece for my fox the last 2 years my red fox brought even more
most fur trappers take these days goes to china or russia

In years gone by I used to get $100 for a 'coon, $25 for a Coyote and $250 for a Bobcat. In this area I can't remember Fox being taken or at least I didn't see any at the market in Kiowa Ks. Those prices were in the mid 70s.

Last winter a big 'coon was around $40.00 and Bobcat was $75.00 Not enough incentive for me to go freeze my tush off running traps twice a day!!

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