I hate my hair!

Be careful what you wish for...

At least you HAVE hair. That's a good thing. I USE to have hair.

That's a bad thing, 'cause I don't have hair any more. Woke up
one day, looked in the mirror and was completely shocked. I was
a bald old man. Don't know what happened...
If you have well-water, your problem could be rust and mineral build up. It's especially bad if you chemically treat your hair. The chemicals open up the cuticle layer on the hair and the rust gets inside. That kind of build up makes your hair feel like straw and the tangles are almost squeaky. There is a wonderful product called malibu crystal gel treatment that we use to remove the build up and they make well water action shampoo and conditioner that will keep it from building up again. Oh and NEVER use a brush on wet hair. It causes a lot of breakage.
As above poster stated, but many lines have "swimmers shampoo" that gets rid of any buildup, minerals, etc.

Use a GOOD conditioner. Your hair wont tangle easily if you find the right one. I use either Joico K-pak or Joico Silk Results. The results are amazing. HOWEVER if I use a lesser quality one my hair will frizz up into a big mushroom on top of my head with no hope in sight. It's ALL about the conditioner!
I'm not familiar with other brands/lines swimmer's shampoo. Malibu makes one called swimmers action but it will not work for rust and minerals. It has an ingredient that neutralizes chlorine. We had some reps from the company come and give us demos on all their products. It was really cool.
How to get it untangled -

Soak it in coconut oil hair product for a couple hours before you wash it, then shampoo with VERY LITTLE shampoo, only one lathering, rinse the bejaysus out of it, finish with a leave-in conditioner.

If it's very dry in your house, use one of those spray in moisturizer products, lightly, between washings.

You can get very cheap coconut oil hair products at India stores. Just slather it on all over your hair and work it into the scalp, and let it sit in there a couple hours. It's glorious stuff. Smells lovely.

Try taking a fatty acid supplement like Omega 3. Me and my dog take ours together and we both have nice shiny no-tangle fur.
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Count yourself as lucky. I'm with Spookwriter- woke up one morning and most of my hair was gone. What the heck? Who is that old man.
Shaved my head for 10+ years and for some odd reason? decided to let it grow once again. This may be a temporary situation. Shaved was better/easier. The Yankee known as Sourland George:cool:

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