I hate this time of night.

Hi aubrey

Have you just moved house or something?

I have lived in five houses in my life so far. *sighs* Yes, I have done a lot of moving
Yep I am in the process. I too have moved many times
before I was 18 I moved 8 times, then between 18 and 23 (now) another 6. I JUST moved last April. Guess I'm just a shaker, eh? Im just exhausted because our new place is a total fixer-upper and I've been going to work then going to the new house to paint/ build the chicken coop for the past week ::
Oh wow! You are a busy person!

We always joke about buying my father a run-down mill of a place for him to fix up: he's a real DIY freak. If only we lived closer, eh?

14 times.... that's too much for me to even imagine
Well, I've lived in several different countries, continents and hemispheres, so I guess I'm not doing too badly myself!
Typically, I have no problem getting to sleep, but for some reason, I just can't. How odd.

How have you all been?
I hate when that happens
what thread was it???

it's on Page 2 of RR. It's about something that happened at Kennedy airport, I thought "Gee, this sort of stuff doesn't happen in this day and age..."

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