I hate this time of night.

Anybody can make something up online. It's easier to lie when it's not to their face

And also, someone may not have very good writing skills, but be a great candidate for the job.
Exactly. I know sometimes the apps are timed. I don't think that's very fair. I do not want to work for a company that does online apps . Phooey. Although I guess no one can be too picky anymore.

On another note. Bad dog will not even look at my chickens today. He knows he did bad. HE KNOWS!
Aint that what its for??? I owned my truck for less than 30 minutes before I was cleaning McDonald's chocolate shake out of the floorboards. Seems the guy at the drive thru didn't get the top in tight enuff.

And don't feel bad about not wanting to deal with loans. Im 34 and just bought my first house and first new truck this past year. Call me a late bloomer, but I lived pretty frugal all my life. I hate fooling with interest rates, loans and, worst of all, realtors and salespeople. But I had to do it. Seems like nobody takes cash anymore.
Aint that what its for??? I owned my truck for less than 30 minutes before I was cleaning McDonald's chocolate shake out of the floorboards. Seems the guy at the drive thru didn't get the top in tight enuff.

And don't feel bad about not wanting to deal with loans. Im 34 and just bought my first house and first new truck this past year. Call me a late bloomer, but I lived pretty frugal all my life. I hate fooling with interest rates, loans and, worst of all, realtors and salespeople. But I had to do it. Seems like nobody takes cash anymore.

I would not call you a late bloomer! 34 is a NICE age to buy your first home!
Aint that what its for??? I owned my truck for less than 30 minutes before I was cleaning McDonald's chocolate shake out of the floorboards. Seems the guy at the drive thru didn't get the top in tight enuff.

And don't feel bad about not wanting to deal with loans. Im 34 and just bought my first house and first new truck this past year. Call me a late bloomer, but I lived pretty frugal all my life. I hate fooling with interest rates, loans and, worst of all, realtors and salespeople. But I had to do it. Seems like nobody takes cash anymore.

Wow, yes, you should see the back of my parents' car, which I hitch a ride in when I'm not taking the bus. Crumbs, bits of paper, string, old shoes, umbrellas, shopping bags... you name it, it's probably under those seats

I am probably going to have to wait for a considerable amount of time before I have anywhere near enough cash to even consider taking a loan out for a house. I'll probably have to take a loan out for Uni as well. Loans, loans, loans. Half the mail we get these days is an update on our loans.
Oh you didn't see? On Saturday evening bad dog killed my brand new polish pullet. In the two years I've ha chickens he's always ignred them or been slightly scared of them. I think he thought she was a moving fluffy toy
You should see me multitask.

This morning, I was on BYC, Twitter, air traffic controller and Grooveshark all at once.

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