I have 15 hens and none of them are laying Please Help


In the Brooder
Dec 22, 2015
I have 15 hens and none are laying I was getting 1 egg a day and then it stopped and I have not had anything in over 2-3 months. All are healthy and happy hens and they are not being bullied by the others. They have layer and scratch with oyster shells available at anytime. They also have a large lot to roam with plenty of grass to scratch in. I have checked for worms and for mites and nothing. I am in Tennessee but the weather has been more like spring here. I dont know what else to do. TIA!

Hens not pullets and they have laid before?

I'd say they are in molt and you'll be getting eggs soon enough. Molts can last 4 months, some are harder than others but a good way to boost them back to production is to up the protein amount wither by a change in feed or supplement something as a daily treat like canned cat food that's 30+% protein. They did not need layer feed during molt, in future years if they shut off laying you can change the feed to a higher protein without the added calcium of layer then switch back when they come out of it.
I dont see any missing or ragged feathers and most have just turned a little over a year old.
I have not seen any signs of anything eating the eggs. I have not seen a piece of a shell or a smear of yolk or anything and I am up there checking water and food levels 3-4 times a day.
How old are these birds?
Have you had them since chicks?

When you say "I was getting 1 egg a day "......does that mean one egg only, or one from each bird?
How long were you getting that one egg a day before it stopped?

When you say "layer and scratch with oyster shells"......
How much layer, how much scratch and are they mixed together?
Oyster shell mixed with feed, or separate?
Chickens range in age from 6 months to 1 1/2 years old. only 1 was laying an egg. The scratch feed was given daily out in the yard and oyster shell was mixed with the scratch feed. They have Layer that is kept full and is 18% protein. I also give fresh veggies as treats and bread to help in the winter.
Oh and I have checked everywhere and there is no where else they could be laying. They are in a huge pen but all spots have been checked and no one is eating them.

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