I have 3 chicks that need a mama.


10 Years
Feb 22, 2009
I have a SLW chick that needed a friend, so I added 2 silkies. They are 5 days old. I also have a broody hen and do not want to hatch any more chicks at this time. Would it be possible to seclude her for a day or two then sneak the chicks under her? Would she brood them? I really don't have room for these chicks to be under a light. They are fine now, but as they get older they will outgrow their box. My big brooders all have hens and chicks in them already, so it would be better if a hen raised them. Will she?
I just put 13 chicks under my momma hen - she's doing great with them.

A few words of advice -
1) Put them under her at night, after she's asleep
2) Listen for 30 minutes or so to make sure she's accepted them (if you hear chicks screaming, she hasn't)
3) Make sure she's been broody for at least a few weeks before you start. I don't think this is set in stone, but it lowers the chance of rejection. I know that someone on here put 3 week old chicks under a broody recently. She adopted them with no problem, although she treated them like they were 1 day olds!!

Good luck!
I secluded her away last night, but she didn't like the tub, too little. She was alright in it until the other hens were walking on top of it. I might sneak them into her nest box tonight, then let her out tomorrow. I have just had too many broodies this summer. The reason I have chicks under a light is that one broody, rejected the eggs after she set them. They were 4 days overdue and none were hatching except this one. I sneaked 2 silkie chicks under her on the hatching date because I didn't think they were going to hatch. They were shipped eggs and most were scrambled. I helped it along when I saw that the only other one that pipped, died in the shell. It seems to be doing well, but I want it to be raised by a hen, then I don't have to worry about it so much.

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