I have a baby!!!!

2 babies still very listless. The Ant baby..( I think I will name that one Fire Ant...)is chirping and moving around. I think it may actually make it. 2 more just starting to pip, one has a BIG pip and and I can hear it chirping..

I have a feeling I will be up and down all night watching and waiting!

Chickedoodle is in his box next door to the incubator, impatiently waiting for play mates......
I will post pics when I figure that part out!

Anxious chicken midwife.......

Take the little ones that are listless and dip their beaks in a little bit of sugar water. Try and get them to drink some of it. I had one on my last hatch that was pretty listless and I was getting worried, so I finally took it out of the bator and gave it some sugar water and it ended up doing great!!
I tried dipping their beaks, maybe that will help. I did notice they don't have their eyes open.

Fire Ant has wide eyes and is drying nicely. He is moving all around....

And the pip is stating to ZIP!!!!

Still have 2 with very small pips....
My listless babies died during the night.

I have a new baby out and another egg zipped! And one more pip...!

Fire ant is still moving around, but he looks like he's legs are going to be splayed. I may be having to splint both his legs
Fire Ant does not like being splinted. But he looks good!

And, 2 more babies! I have 2 yellow babies...That gives me 3 yellow babies and 2 black with white speckles babies...
I am a happy chicken midwife!

These are all mutts. I have a RIR roo, a game roo and a mutt roo...all my girls are pure though, RIR, barred rocks, dominiker, buff orpingtons, and white leghorns.
I have 5 eggs left in the bator. One is peeping.....I should have a pip soon!

And my little fire ant is walking all over his house with his little splinted legs!



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