I have a bully!


In the Brooder
Mar 5, 2015
I have 4 hens and a rooster. He has been here for a couple weeks. The hens, they all came from the same home, and have only been here for about 4 days.. (My first flock)
One of the hens seems to be left out when I give treats, when I spread scratch, if another hen wants water or if she touches the rooster she gets pecked by the same hen every time. She doesn't let her sleep on the roost. I watched "Monkey"
(my bully) peck her until she went to the ladder last night! She gets pecked for doing anything! Is there anything I can do to stop and prevent this? Is this normal?
"They sleep on top of the nesting boxes"
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Make more room for roosting. Have two feeders available and that should help.

It's not bullying like it seems. It's the way chickens are. As long as the lowest gal on the totem pole has a spot to go and avoid her superiors, she will be fine. Unless she starts missing large clumps of feathers or getting bloody.

This might have something to do with malnutrition which can increase aggression.
It doesn't have a list of ingredients.. It's made by Nutrena "County Feeds"
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Like corn and wheat or milo? That wont be enough protein for them to lay/live.

Recommend getting a laying feed and supplementing the "Scratch Grains" as a treat maybe once a day in small amounts.
Okay I'll do that what do I ask for? Just layer feed? And will that be the main meal? Can the Dom "Rooster" eat that too? I've only had them 4 days and I want to do this right they just don't seem happy!!
You've only had them for four days, they are getting used to the environment. Even if they were laying when you bought them, they won't lay for another few weeks most likely because of the big shift in their life.

As for the feed, yes just ask for a good layer pellet. The rooster will be fine eating that too. Keep that around free choice (24/7) and then feed scratch and veggies in small amounts. It shouldn't make up more than 10% of their diet. Do you have an area they will be able to range around and eat grass/bugs? Once they're used to their new digs, you should be able to turn them out during the day and they'll return at roosting time (sundown). Eating grass and bugs will make them much more healthy and happy.
Yes we have an acre cleared off for them to roam free.. My husband says not to turn them loose for another week or they won't come back.. What's your thoughts on that? My rooster has been here for a month I know he'll come back wouldn't the hens follow? I am trying to lean everything I can to keep them happy. "It was so much easier with only Dom, the hens are a lot more to do.. Which I like!" I guess they are just like any other female
I reckon I don't have a bully I just have a hen who is letting me know she is unhappy.

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