I Have a deer, am clueless, but processed it anyways - UPDATE


Rest in Peace 1970-2018
12 Years
Apr 6, 2007
A deer was just struck by a car and ended up on our property. It's
hind legs were destroyed. A local Police Officer Euthanized it and said I
could have it or just leave it and it would be picked up. I actually was
the one to find it.

I swear I knew this was going to happen this year. I'm not a hunter
but in no way will I let a 150 pound doe rot.

What do I do? I'd love to find someone who knows how to butcher it.
I'd hang it in my barn and split the meat with him.
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If it's not gutted and hung by now, I wouldn't touch it. Unless you want to feed it to your dogs......
If only I were closer....it's actually quite easy. Hang it up somewhere, skin it, and gut it. Just like a chicken, only bigger! Make sure to take out the backstrap (along the spine)...that's the best part! Good luck with it!
I don't have any advice for you but that's pretty cool that you get great meat given to ya! I'd love to be given a deer that's ready to clean out. When's dinner???

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