I have a Plymouth Barred Rock Rooster, his name is Mr. Doodles…. He is being consistently more challenging me than ever… is this normal? Can it improv

Thanks for the advice…. He has always been very chill with me…. I read somewhere I given a place in their pecking order by the rooster…. Idk if that is necessarily true…. But his attitude towards me has reached dangerous levels and it all started when I returned from a long trip (my first time to even leave them in someone else’s care). The person I had helping knows birds… but also uses them for dual purpose…. And yes will run all over the Rooster if he shows aggression…. Probably didn’t help my situation 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️. It is a hard decision for me… he is a beauty. The constant attacks and especially when I get the welts or some breaking the skin are NOT okay…. And prevent me from caring the hens…. Which some of them have enjoy my company and love talking to me…. I wanted him for protection for the flock…. He was an accidental pullet male, but my calmest chick from the bunch…. So I kept him.

I have a variety flock so chicks aren’t necessarily something I’m wanting unless I want to mix Brahma or Speckled Sussex with Barred Rock 🤔. Not sure i want mixed breeds. Mine are all heritage breeds.

Appreciate the replies and conversation a lot
I think his history with you is telling, but that doesn’t mean you can’t try if you want to. Unfortunately it does require you have a different attitude toward the whole flock if you keep a rooster; also tends to take the personal relationship with each hen out of the equation in most cases. Sometimes you have to be outright mean to the roo to get your point across, but they are resilient. There’s also nothing wrong with getting rid of him though. You didn’t necessarily want a rooster to begin with so it could be the best for both of you. You definitely don’t want more injuries or have to constantly watch your back when you’re doing chores, etc. That is nerve wracking!

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