I have a question for anyone who ties flies (for fishing)

I am butting in here as much to subscribe as anything else. ;)

I just saved what I could of the hackle and saddle of my first butchered chicken, dried the skin stretched on a board with salt. A week now and no flies or smell. I am rather impressed, except it looks NOTHING like the rooster necks in the bait shops... Now it's my turn to try to set up a tying station. I tied a jig from some yarn last year and someone at fish camp caught at 23 lb King salmon on it, she also claims it is lucky and kept it. (Doh!) Time for me to get tying. These are from a silver laced wyandotte, but I may also try the kool aid dye method. (Google it, there is even a color chart by flavor!)

I want to try to make something from my golden pheasants' cowl feathers. They almost look like a dragon fly, without doing anything to them, but I think that might be better for bass and pan fish than for salmon.
Hey, tought i'd jump in. Iv'e been tying flies with my own feathers since age 11, and this is a bit of a list
-Hackles.. rooster saddle, etc... I used some frills of an amher'st back once
-Wing- Primaries, and also the feathers right above the oil gland..
-Tail- Amherst's tail is excellent, they have these long silver feathers and some orange mixed in
-Amherst neck, also silvery, gread for all manner of flies
-Coturnix back for some lovely imitations... i'll post some pix later...
My bobbin holder was broken from sitting around so long (and getting stuff piled on it), I have another but finding it will be a chore. I'm going to borrow one from a friend tonight so I can start to get a little practice.

Everyone feel free to subscribe/contribute. I know I'm not the only one who like to hear all of your input. Pictures are great too. Thanks for everything you guys have added so far.

Keep it coming!
Just A Plain Dry (Finn Steiner)
Ingredients: #8-14 hook (Dry), Rib-standard gold wire, Hackle- Rooster Saddle (Home-butchered/prepared), Wing - Coturnix Primary (Rosetta or Golden preferably), Body-Ice dub Hare's Ear, Thread- standard black

Tie in the wire

And the Hackle

Now, tie to the back and roll on the Dubbing

Make 3-4 firm wraps, getting progressively tighter, try to taper it like so...

Wrap the hackle, and tie it in the back with the gold wire, then progressivly wrap it up, going back and forth to slip between the hackle, then finish at the tip and tie off

Trim off the extra Hackle

Take your Coturnix feather (This one's a Golden) ant snip off about an index-finger width

Tie it in, and pull of any extra debris

Then, trim the hackle

Whip finish, and a drop of head cement, Go Fishing!

Anyways, hope this helped someone!

PS If you have any other tying demo requests/ideas let me know and i'll post a how-to
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Someone Mentioned they used Paint ? We always used nail polish the cheap stuff from the dollar store.

I also have Rabbits and once in a while when they are shedding I have some hair from them and my Cats
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