I Have A Question!!!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 2, 2010
Hello, i am new to the wonderful world of chickens, nd I'm geting 2 blue silkies from http://cheeppeeps.webs.com/ and have been wondering if anyone had ordered from here nd had problems...
What exactly is a "pro breeder"?
I looked at the pictures on their site. They have done what so many others do. They bought birds from a hatchery, are reproducing them & now call themselves breeders. Everything they have pictured is no better than you'd get from the major hatcheries.
JMHO I wouldn't buy from anyone that didn't have pictures of the breed on their website. If it doesn't matter what quality they are, then I'd say it's fine. If they are hatchery quality then she is a little high on the price in my opinion for a day old chick.

Personally, I would order from a BYC member first.
We have tons of pictures and some of us have websites or BYC pages. I'm not sure what a pro breeder is. There are Master Breeders, but they have to win so many shows in order to be a Master Breeder.
I looked at the site. I didn't see any reference to "pro breeder", just "we are a 4-H family and this is our on-going project."
I'm sure the birds will be fine for pets. And I'd rather support a small family breeder than the hatcheries. Good luck with your new babies!
You should order from Cammy. Her birds are super silkies.

That is, if all the other sharks haven't snatched them away yet.
The lady we were ordering from, actually didnt go through with what my mother nd I have wanted. she even bred the wrong breed that we did not want... we were supposed to go get the three day olds tomarrow, but it turned out she hatched black nd polish silkies like two freaknd weeks ago!!! I cant stand it when ppl do crap like this..

Now we are going to just order from here soon, and go tomarrow to our tracter supply to get day old rocks

I'm still upset..
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Thank you Laree, your too sweet!! I should have split lav eggs in about 4 weeks. I am getting Bren's Roo that she has used for all of her Lavender Hens. I'll have pure lav's in a few months from the pair of Lavenders that I bought from her. So, I should have some really good quality birds soon. I'll have to send you some more test eggies, if you want them.

You can check out my new website and see which ones I kept for my breeders. I am still working on it.......... But, it is looking okay I think.

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