I have a single chick and i cant afford another one

im trying to get her a flock mate, my parents just refuse to budge.

i think you’d like to hear this good news, my father finally agreed! we’re getting her a flock mate tomorrow :)!

So within less than an hour, in the middle of the night EST, your parents made the decision to completely change their minds and let you buy more chicks.

Warn your dad, some of them will get sick and die, but it is nothing that you all can't handle. Just know, he is 100% right about that.

A lot of people regret getting a $200 pre-fab coop. They break down easily and usually aren't warm enough, (does it get really cold where you live?). You might want to look at craigslist to see if their is any other options. Or you can get the 200 one to hold you over and then start seeing if you can build or buy a better one.

Barred rocks are easy to sex, generally. Her legs should be black, and her feathering will be darker in general, you can look up pictures of barred rock sexing on here. Maybe you want to get all barred rocks if you can't have roosters where you live.

All these folks on here are just worried for the chick and for you. They know how much work, sweat, tears, time and money get poured into these darling little creatures. I think it is great that you are deciding to do something to bring more meaning to your life, and teach you about animal husbandry. Teenagers need that stuff so bad. Just know, all these folks are for you, not against you, they were just concerned.
The reason why people are warning you about the rooster, is that some of them crow constantly, morning till midnight and back again. They also can be hard to re-home. Mine crows most of the daylight hours, especially AM and then some nights he'll crow a bunch at 12am or 3am, and then start back up at 5am. I don't mind, because I like knowing he didn't die in the coop overnight (as odd as that sounds), but your parents have to be up for that, too, if you have a rooster.

Other than that, roosters can be so great to have with hens. They really do their job well. You may want to do research before you get one, though, they can also come with issues.
So within less than an hour, in the middle of the night EST, your parents made the decision to completely change their minds and let you buy more chicks.

Magnify Tv Land GIF by #Impastor
So within less than an hour, in the middle of the night EST, your parents made the decision to completely change their minds and let you buy more chicks.

She said she's a minor and kids sometimes forget to share details that may be important to the story and parents can switch sides in a heartbeat. I could be wrong, but she never said she lived on the eastern coast, she may live somewhere else where it is the middle of the day, but even if it was late at night we don't know their circumstances she said she doesn't go to school so maybe she can stay up late. She may have tried what someone else said about saying that they don't have to buy her gifts if she can get a chick. So we really don't know her circumstances and once again she is a minor so try not to be so hard on her.
She said she's a minor and kids sometimes forget to share details that may be important to the story and parents can switch sides in a heartbeat. I could be wrong, but she never said she lived on the eastern coast, she may live somewhere else where it is the middle of the day, but even if it was late at night we don't know their circumstances she said she doesn't go to school so maybe she can stay up late. She may have tried what someone else said about saying that they don't have to buy her gifts if she can get a chick. So we really don't know her circumstances and once again she is a minor so try not to be so hard on her.
hi, my parents stay up quite late so i was able to finally convince them by telling them what happens to chicks if they dont have flock mates, they finally felt bad and said yes.
So within less than an hour, in the middle of the night EST, your parents made the decision to completely change their minds and let you buy more chicks.

yk it’s possible for them to change their mind right, after sharing the details about depression in chicks, they finally gave in.

my parents are the type who cant say no if i bother them about it, i apologize if it looked “suspicious” but you gotta know, my parents give in after 4-5 tries and begging.
yk it’s possible for them to change their mind right, after sharing the details about depression in chicks, they finally gave in.

my parents are the type who cant say no if i bother them about it, i apologize if it looked “suspicious” but you gotta know, my parents give in after 4-5 tries and begging.
There are discrepancies in your story that bring into question its legitimacy. But it's neither here nor there. Good luck to you.

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