I have a slight problem......


12 Years
Jan 9, 2008
Washburn, MO
It has just been brought to my attention that I am going to have to come up with names for ALL of the new critters!
Got any suggestions?

I think I'll name the turkeys Larry, Moe and Curly
but that still leaves me with:

1 pair Khaki ducks (1 male, 1 female)

2 pairs Rouen Ducks (2 males, 2 females)

11 BO pullets

1 BO roo
(I think they are BO's)

4 Buttercups

2 Eygyptian Fayoumis
Fahtima and Sahara (for hens)
Karnak and Sphinx (for roos)

11 EE's

2 yellow/grey (no one has been able to tell me what they are)they have long, lavendar colored legs

2 yellow with chipmunk stripes, coming to a point on forehead(no breed ID as yet)
Hi, I have 5 bufflacedpolish, and I couldn't name them till I could tell them apart. There was a person on Ebay who offered any mix of any size of any color, and I banded them, and now they have names, mostly food names, dessert or candybars , even tho I won't eat them
I didn't name mine though others have tried. DH named my big pekin l'Orange and my neighbor tried to name them after presidents. I just call them collectively "ducky doos". They seem to understand me. I think. I have no idea if I'll name any of the chickens. DH will probably call them breakfast, lunch and dinner.
I have named the 2 emus at work "Bird" and "Bird" so if you go into the pen and cal "Here, Bird, Bird" they both come running! Funny how that works!
I probably won't name ALL of them, especially since I have 12 that look alike (at least at this point) but I know I'll end up naming quite a few of these guys.

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