I have a "whatsit" chick...............


7 Years
Apr 13, 2012
Caldwell, ID
Someone brought me this chick a few days ago. Some kids had found it in a park. The local hatchery is still selling chicks, but when I stopped by they didn't have any that seemed to be quite the right age. The chicks they had that looked closest to it were white Leghorns. Any one have any guesses?

And since I was at the hatchery, of course I had to pick up a buddy for the mystery peep, I happen to be partial to EEs:
Aww they are so cute especially the EE....I also happen to be partial to EEs lol.I'm not sure what the white chick is my only guess would be a white leghorn, but i think you might have to wait until it is older to be able to tell.
So here is the whatsit chick and her buddy, at almost 8 weeks old. I say "her" because the comb and wattles are still light pink, not red, they've been the same color for a couple weeks. Does she still look like a leghorn?


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