I have an emergency - please help

I always buy the medicated chick starter and give it to them until they a CPL months old, its supposed to help against disease or infections, especially if I get chicks from someone else
Thanks for responding. I do the same thing and have had great luck with my first batch of chicks. But apparently the people I got them from doesn't do that and when I called them to tell them about the problem they told me they hadn't noticed a problem...not sure how you don't notice pure liquid blood. I started them on Corid as well as my other chicks as a precaution. Now I just have my fingers crossed it works and they are ok. I am a little confused though...some posts say to give them electrolytes while they are on Corid and some say don't. Very confusing. Also confusing when you go to your feed store and they say to put them on a broad spectrum antibiotic and everyone on this site says that won't work...I'm going with everyone here.
If you have some medicated chick starter it wouldn't hurt to mix some up with a bit of yogurt and feed it to them...they will probably chow down on it....better to do something then nothing at this point...vitamins in the drinking water....or maybe some unfiltered Apple cider vinegar added to the water...changes the chicks body pH...making it's system unfriendly to many types of undesirable bacteria...just a few ideas...probably more prevention then cure...I raise my chicks with mom from day one...on ground that the flock has been grazed on....so far so good...good luck!
Thanks poppster. I started them on Corid (finally found some and hour away from me late in the day) and I did give them some yogurt. I usually add a little apple cid vin to the water but don't want to mix it with the meds. Just keeping fingers crossed now.
same here waiting on my chicks today was the first day and my ss is still not eating/drinking and is just all puffed out i wish i had gone with my instinct when i first saw her sad but my husband said it was normal and that her feathers were totally. normal
same here waiting on my chicks today was the first day and my ss is still not eating/drinking and is just all puffed out i wish i had gone with my instinct when i first saw her sad but my husband said it was normal and that her feathers were totally. normal
That's the weird thing - none of them are acting sick. They are eating drinking and active. The only symptom is that they were ruffling their feathers kind of like dust bathing when we brought them home Saturday night. I thought they were just being chicks and playing. I hope all works out for your little one - keeping my fingers double crossed for you too
thank u so much shes such a fighter just seems like she wont give up.ive had my babies for 5 weeks now and im so attached
Is this your first time with chicks? We got our first chicks in May and thank goodness they did great and all have been healthy. I never thought I would be so attached to chickens - they are amazing. So easy to become attached especially when you raise them from chicks. We originally bought 8 chicks and 5 turned out to be rooster. It was really hard Rehoming them after I had raised them from babies but we couldn't keep that many. So this new batch are all hens to replace original numbers (plus 2:)

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