I have baby-itis

Now we've begun the weaning process. Chloe no longer fits in the broodybox with her four babies. Tonight I found her happily lounging beside them at tuck-in-time:

Sunday was today, its their birthday. Now they're officially 3 months old! I think.
On their own! Almost 4 months old. All of them roost up on the top deck with the other chickens at bedtime, then these 4 hang out together in their sub-flock all day. Its working well!


This is the most dominant rooster, named Beaker, he's a Funky Chicken!


Here's my little boyfriend Eddie. He was named "pearl roobaby Eddie Vedder" but facebook's autocorrect spelling thingie named him Eddie Izzard. It kind of fits, what do you think?
aww how cute.

I happen to have an amerucana that gets on my head.
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Amerucana? I hope she's not heavy!

Eddie's the only one of these 4 who will come when called, land gentlemanly in my hand, seek me out for lap time. The other 3 are too skittish, except the black one "Little Kitty", once she's on a hand she's sweet, but only gets there with an awful lot of balking.

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