Jun 18, 2022
I just want to be very clear: I did NOT put a single chick on myself. They decided today that they'd accept me into the family and it's adorable! They were hopping all over me! And I guess I should say sorry in advance for the language. I was just so floored! I never thought they'd be this comfortable with me at 3 weeks ♥️ absolutely in love! https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTdKoNcPg/?k=1
I just want to be very clear: I did NOT put a single chick on myself. They decided today that they'd accept me into the family and it's adorable! They were hopping all over me! And I guess I should say sorry in advance for the language. I was just so floored! I never thought they'd be this comfortable with me at 3 weeks ♥️ absolutely in love! https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTdKoNcPg/?k=1
They are so cute!!!

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