I have cancer

A friend had to use Depends for a period of time after his prostate surgery, but eventually his bladder control was regained. Hope they get the light headedness cleared up. Keep up the good progress.
There is no shame in wearing Depends, that is what it is for while you are recovering! Kudos for having a positive outlook!

I hope you can take care of dizziness...do you have HBP?
You have a lot of people praying, pulling for you, sending positive thoughts your way and in your corner. This just reaffirms my belief in the wonderful people that frequent this site. Chicken people are the best! Stay strong, Ed, and think positive thoughts. Try not to worry or dwell on anything negative. Staying upbeat will help you heal. We are here for you.
Ed, thank you so much for updating. I've been sending you my best good thoughts & prayers-- and will continue to do so. I'm hoping your doc can find the reason for your dizzyness, and if not, my goodness-- with all the stress and changes you've had lately, who wouldn't feel dizzy? I am sending positive vibes that the incontinence resolves sooner than later, and that your healing goes smoothly and speedily. We want you to have good control, comfort, and a feeling of confidence. You've been through so very much-- may it only get better from here!
Im doing a lot better. Not wearing depends anymore, do have to wear a pat thou. I had my 6 week blood work on Tuesday, got the results yesterday and it came back a big ole O, NO CANCER WAS DETECTED!. Im so happy I cried.

Thank you all for all the kind words, thoughts and prayers.
Glad you did get some good news-you must be so relieved. Is the dizziness gone? Sending happy thoughts your way.
I am new here and I was reading your thread. I'm an in home health care provider. It's wonderful that you're doing so well and you no longer have to use the Depends (although, there should be absolutely no shame in having to use them.) It sounds like you're doing very well!
Sorry its been some time since I have been on here. I went back to work July 15 on 3rd shift. I had gotten promoted to a boss man at my job. I was very happy and pleased with that. Since going back to work its hard to keep up.

I started having some issues with my bladder 2 weeks ago, went to the Dr and he found a stone in my bladder and some "stuff". I go this Friday to have the stone removed and to have the "stuff" checked out. Im praying they don't find any more cancer, hoping its just scar tissue.

I was to the point I didn't have to wear a pad, but now Im back to wearing a depends.

Im hoping all goes well with the up coming surgery.

Thank you all for the kind words and good thoughts, they really meant a lot to me.................thanks........ed

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