I have chickens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


9 Years
Dec 6, 2010
The coop is coming tomorrow its been confirmed so the girls only have to be in the cat pen 1 more night and it is nice warm day, it did rain last night but as I said its covered and they slept in the corner of the unit on the l shaped wall so snuggled up together (the man who got them out of their pens, which where next to each other put them in the same box so I didn't seperate them again they are all vacinated and according to the man at the meat market they do have to verify that. I have 3 lohman browns(20 weeks) one of which is going to be the dominant she has given the odd peck only the occasional and has made it clear that she goes to the food first but there is no overly aggressive behaviour I have a cream legbar (15 weeks) for the green eggs and what I wasn't going to get was a silkie no way no how was I getting a silkie. So I now have a black partridge silkie (24 weeks) because when I saw her I wanted her. Within 5 minutes of being in the cat pen they where dustbathing so I don't think they are overly stressed they are also coming up to me and letting me touch them and pick them up.
Now the cost the brown hens where 11 each, the legbar was 7 and the silkie 8 pounds. I also picked up the layers pellets at the market at £7.50 for 20 kilos. Since they got to the house they have been settled down nicely eating and deficating normally. Now this is the fun part and I am sorry I didn't get a picture. The cats are disgusted birds bigger than them isn't proper, the dog Lucy snuck in after me lay down on the floor and had the cream legbar sit on her head, that dog had the biggest smile on her face (I haven't let her back in of course) but she will not move from the window she loves watching them from the way she behaved round chickens on the allotment I knew she wouldn't be aggressive and she has not been just sits with a goofy expression watching them. The chickens have done what I thought they might which is why I got them earlier than I had intended, they have given her something to think about apart from being an old girl with arthritis she is now glued to the chicken window Queenie sits next to her but she is not happy about loosing the catio for a couple of days.
As a last point on the way home I got something to eat, I suddenly felt the need for a kentucky fried chicken.
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Ive been trying to get a Legbar, but had no luck..
Do you have pics of the babies?

Make sure you post pics of the coop..
Pictures are coming

The reason they keep going into the cage is whats left of half a melon.
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That dog is gorgeous! I have one dog that took to chickens just like he did. He never meant any harm at all, and just enjoyed being near them. My other one ignored, but enjoyed the treats they left behind :sick - and my puppy wants to play with them. :barnie

Beautiful flock! Wonderful introduction :) Welcome to BYC!
Since I got the chickens my cats have been acting like I have got catnip on me they are rubbing smelling and demanding cuddles. Even my standoffish miss Tippytail wants fusses and tickles.
Since I got the chickens my cats have been acting like I have got catnip on me they are rubbing smelling and demanding cuddles.  Even my standoffish miss Tippytail wants fusses and tickles.
Aww :)

My cats actually love to be around my chickens. I trust them 100% - a grown chicken can whoop a cats butt. I've seen it.

My big boy Dexter likes to sleep in their nesting boxes :gig

I have now put an anti dig skirt made out of these concrete slabs I found in the garden. A couple of things though the two littlest hens treat the cream legbar like their mum sitting under her wings following round seeing what she does. Secondly I walked out to see the cream legbar asleep with the silkie sitting on her head. all of the girls went into the coop and run last night after a little looking around into the coop they went.

The noise in the background is Queenie cat.
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