I have chicks hatching this Friday 3-8 anyone else?

My first chick is out and running around, but the other egg that pipped is just not making any progress? She was pipped early this morning. I can still see her beak and she's moving, but come on already, I'm impatient!!

I had one last night that took 7 hours to hatch! IN the time from when she pipped to hatch, i hatched a whole different chick.

I dont think my BAM's are going to hatch :(
Well out of my 5 mutts I thought I only had three but come to find out my first one managed to get in the water bowl. I don't know how I had wire on top of it but it did. so finally count for the last week out of 25ish eggs I had 23 to hatch and only 17 to survive. I am happy with those results. I just hurts my feeling 3 of those I lost were to drowning so it could have been prevented but it a lesson learned.
3 hatched now!
Set up a broody cage inside the pen to move mom and everything in tonight after dark. BO ended up with 18 eggs mostly fostered EE's but there's a 4 day spread plus a couple sneaked in. She's still hunkered down trying to hatch everything so hopefully more to come. Will candle the remaining eggs when I transfer them.
With as brutal cold and wet as it's been I'm thrilled to get any.
I have made a mistake. 3 EE's and 1 BAM,
I now have one of my 8 zipping and another that just hatched. It is still laying partially in the bottom half of the shell. How long do they usually rest before moving around and drying off?
I now have one of my 8 zipping and another that just hatched.  It is still laying partially in the bottom half of the shell.  How long do they usually rest before moving around and drying off?

Mine usually step away from the egg and snooze then hobble around falling for a half hour or so before they get steady
My chicks usually take several hours to get steady on their feet. My chick that hatched this morning is getting better at walking, but she still wobbles and rocks back on her butt now and again.

My second egg to pip finally decided to zip and hatch, and once she made up her mind to do so... WOW, did she ever zip and pop out of that egg FAST!! Zip-a-de-do-da!!

I've got a third egg just pip. It was hard to see at first, its a muddy egg. We've had a lot of mud around here this winter. Muddy footed hens make for dirty eggs.
I have 13 hatched and 2 pipped. I candled the remaining eggs and 3 look like quitters but I will wait another day. 2 are later hatches and alive so maybe tomorrow. If I get 17 out of 20 I will be happy.
The other eggs for next weekend are still alive and kicking. Sounds like it's been an eggciting day for everyone. It's all I've done all day. They were popping out like popcorn. LOL

Happy you got a BAM Ladeefire!

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