I have chicks hatching this Friday 3-8 anyone else?

Uh oh, my little solo chick that was hatched last week, doesn't know she's a chicken.

I tried to put her new sisters in the brooder with her and she freaked out! She doesn't know what those other fuzzy little things are, and she wants nothing to do with them. She thinks she's a person! I have been spoiling her, but I thought she'd be happy to have company. She's not. She prefers the company of humans!
So today is day 21 for us, and as of bedtime last nite we had 6 chicks hatched
(out of 22) and 3 pipped.
Well they got busy last nite, and when I got up this morning we had a total of 12 hatched.

Yeah! 3 pipped holes and 3 chicks in their air cell, all peeping. today is day 22, and becomes day 23 at 4:00 pm pacific.
up date now 3 are 1/3 zipped!!
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Anyone have any idea what this is:

Another pic:

There is something red sticking out. The chick is acting normal. Also, right before the pic the yellowish stuff started coming out. Is there anything I should do?
Looks like a bit of yolk sac. Leave it in the bator and see how it does. It might absorb or it might dry up. Try and keep it as clean as possible.
Hey genesis, I had one that looked much scarier than that and it absorbed, she's just fine now. Hope yours is okay too.

I had to help a shrink wrapped chick out of the shell this morning, was pretty worried about her. She's fine now, she just looks a hot mess. She's got bits of membrane still stuck to her and some of her fluff is pasted down where others is fluffed up. She looks horrible! Thank heaven she's healthy and the ugly stage will only be temporary.
Our shrink wrapped chick was the opposite of fluffy. It was a matted down mess. I washed it a little with warm water and dried by dabbing with a paper towel and stuck it back into the incubator to warm up good. It was still matted down and my wife fluffed it up after a few hours to help it out. Here's a pic:

This is miracle. Our second one that I had to unshrinkwrap.

This is our first one that I had to help as well, it is the one with the yoke sac on it that I showed the pic of. It's name is Shadow. Notice Shadow has a dark beak and Miracle has a light one.
They have the same daddy, a mixed rooster that has some dominque in him. Their mommas are two different Australorps.

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