I have chicks hatching this Friday 3-8 anyone else?

Congrats everyone! I had to help one today too. It pipped yesterday morning and the way it was squirming I just knew it was stuck. Took all day but it's out and just as lively as the others were. And it's the only white one so far out of 15. I have 2 more that I put in a day later that have internally pipped and I can here them peeping. 3 died in the shell so if these 2 hatch okay I will have 17 total.
5 of them already went to there new home today. I didn't want to let them go.

I'm going to be getting some polish to hatch next week. That's going to be a shocker with the bigger eggs.

the top 2 to the right hatched, the top one to the left is almost out, the freckled one has a big pip, and the other 2 are in the air cell. hatching went well I dry hatched and the came out nice and clean no wrappers stuck. (sorry my camera needed charging.)

The top middle one had a hard time hatching because he was zipped but I went to lunch with hubby and he couldn't kick off the cap because my basket is small. when I got back I lifted off his cap and his head came out to say hello. I put him back with the others and lined it with a tiny quilt. but I didn't want the others to have a hard time hatching too so I put them in a separate tiny basket lined with a quilt, but with a lid and put them in with my 5 day old store chicks. now they can see each other, but nobody gets stepped on or pecked.
yeah,yeah!! top 3 hatched. latest one had one of those belly buttons gave her a heating pad. chicks are fluffing up and will probably go with the other 5 day olds tomorrow, supervised. but at least they got to converse a bit.
Our shrink wrapped chick was the opposite of fluffy. It was a matted down mess. I washed it a little with warm water and dried by dabbing with a paper towel and stuck it back into the incubator to warm up good. It was still matted down and my wife fluffed it up after a few hours to help it out. Here's a pic:

This is miracle. Our second one that I had to unshrinkwrap.

This is our first one that I had to help as well, it is the one with the yoke sac on it that I showed the pic of. It's name is Shadow. Notice Shadow has a dark beak and Miracle has a light one.
They have the same daddy, a mixed rooster that has some dominque in him. Their mommas are two different Australorps.

I've had to do the same thing with my shrink wrapped chick. She had so much dried goo an pieces of membrane stuck to her, I had to give her a little bath and clean her up last night. She was dry this morning, but still not fluffy. We're working on it. I put her in the brooder with the others and I'm hoping that they help her "fix her hair"! I'll probably try again at getting her fluffed up soon.
Pip hatched in the middle of the night as a surprise! Also, Willow and Duffy are pipped so the hatch cam is back up :). This is Day 21 for them.

Yesterday I picked up my 4 bantam sultan chicks from the feed store and moved Olive and Rose to the brooder.

Here are some pics!

all the eggs hatched! my last one the little blue egg had the shell stuck on her by cords, mostly absorbed but I could tell she had been kicking for a while.her belly button was an outtie. I removed the lower shell off her and carefully pulled the inner lining off the shell but didn't disconnect the cords and put her in a sock,so other chicks would not peck her, and went to bed. It was 2 in the morning. I felt bad if I cared for her more... but who knows.. In the morning she had crawled out of the sock but died. she was the last and hatched out 231/2 days I think it was all just too much for her.

Other chicks are fine and happy playing with the 5 day olds. 10 chicks total in house.
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Here is my final line-up. The lavender Amerucana on the right was hatched last week. She's just now learning that she's a chicken and not a human, but she's being good to her new siblings, now that she's no longer afraid of them!

The chipmunk striped baby is a lavender Amerucana x Bantam EE (she's not so fluffy yet, from being shrink wrapped).
The two on the left are bantam EE x EE/Red Star (Roo). I really didn't want any offspring from that mutt rooster, but accidents happen!


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