I have chicks hatching this Friday 3-8 anyone else?

Diane that is funny- same thing here. about 5 years ago someone dumped a yellow rooster in my yard. I didn't want a rooster. I had a little one that I wanted. Well in trying to give him away nobody wanted him but they did want my little one. I gave it away so I would have just one roo. He went on to have 40 babies with my hens that I gave away. but kept one.
this gold hen was very large and very pretty but I still gave her away because she was his. I did keep her baby though. well her baby had a chick that looked just like a delaware. I loved him but I lost him. then I wished I had kept more of his descendants. Then I got 6 eggs from a friend and they all hatched out just in the last couple of days. I complemented my friend on his hens and he said I gave him his hens and one looked just like that rooster. careful what you wish for!
Here are the babies from yesterday. I'll get pictures of the 4 from today (4/5, woot!) when they are fluffy tomorrow.


she looks like my olive- pics tomorrow! all my chicks hatched out B&W like thought I did have a suprise blonde one though.

I love seeing everyone's pics! Here's mine that hatched out Friday, she had 4 eggs left after I discarded the duds, and I had a couple get broken because the other hens would get in the nest and lay on top of her eggs.
But she hatched out 4/4, 2 are White Rocks, and 2 are Australorp/White Rock crosses.
Looks like we all did pretty good. Yeah! I had a staggered hatch a week apart. The second hatch started yesterday. All but 3 have hatched. 2 of those are pipped and the other one I candled and it is alive. Only one egg didn't make it so far. It pipped and must of hit a blood vessel and bled out. Poor little guy. I don't think that would have had anything to do with the staggered hatch. This worked so well for me I just might do it again. After the first hatch I cleaned the incubator and let it dry out. The humidity was down to about 17 to 20 for the rest of the week. I didn't raise it back up until the first one pipped. And my babies have hatched with no problems. All healthy and normal. So it does work. For me anyways.
I never posted the rest of my babies! The yellow chicks are bantam sultans I had special ordered, and the rest are the ones I hatched out.


so these were the eggs and these are the chicks one week later same order the blue egg hatched but didn't make it.

my olive is the black one to top right.

this is them fresh hatched they sure move around alot!

this is everyone today with stroe chicks- note the quilts were played on-slept on 2 hrs and still clean.
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