I have had it with professional victims

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I dunno man, your last GF was a bit nutty. Maybe not the victim card, but for sure the I am a freaked out nutball one.

You have a point!!!! She didn't have a nutball card, she had a book.
Some people live for drama.
Some people live to always be right about everything.
I live for onion rings from the Yardarm restaurant.

LOL .. I almost spit out my hot chocolate ..
We have someone like that at work. He came to work today with the flu. Now we might all catch it. AAAARRRGGGHHHH! He thinks of himself as some sort of martyr because he comes to work sick
Then we are all supposed to pity him. I'm pretty honest with people. I told him it was selfish to stay here because we have a lot of walk in elderly customers. I'm a diabetic. I keep my blood sugars under excellent contol, but if I get the flu, my liver releases way too much sugar into the blood stream and I get really sick. The guy just said, "I can't leave. The office will be short handed. Besides, if I'm going to be miserable anyway, I might as well get paid for it." What an idiot. You just can't cure stupid. I hear that selfish is pretty hard to cure too.
I had an employee who was playing fast and loose with his retirement money during the stock market boom in the late 90's. He was in his mid-50s, far too along life's path to be taking such risks with what little he had saved. I tried to talk some sense into him, tried to show him how to use the planning tools our comapany's 401k provider offered, etc. He wouldn't listen. Whenever the market went up, he was boasting.

The market, of course, did not go up forever. It tanked, and the really risky tech stocks he'd been putting all his money in tanked more than most. Suddenly, he was no longer boasting. Instead, it was the fault of the greedy on-line broker that "let him" make those investments. He'd tell anyone who would listen how there should be laws to "protect people" .... from what? Being able to invest their money where they see fit? The only thing this guy was a victim of was his own greed and stupidity.

Eventually, he was laid off when his position was eliminated, and he sued the company for discrimination ... after completely fabricating nearly everything in his EEO filing. Once again, he was the victim, never mind that he'd spent more time screwing around on-line with stocks than he'd spent working for the past couple years ... He then admitted to fabricating everything in the EEO filing during his deposition, while under oath, but of course he blamed this on "the lady at the EEO office who told him he had to put that down or he couldn't sue" ... case dismissed, knucklehead lucky not to have been brought up on perjury charges.
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I know one of those...and my answer to her is always the same: Well, your only other option is to find yourself a Sugar Daddy!
Back in the days when I didn't get sick pay, I would take precious vacation days to cover lost wages due to staying home sick.

In my office where we did receive paid sick leave, I was totally the sickness nazi. I had no qualms about sending people home who were sick (especially those higher-ups who had way more sick days which, unlike mine, could be banked and taken at retirement).
Back in the days when I didn't get sick pay, I would take precious vacation days to cover lost wages due to staying home sick.

In my office where we did receive paid sick leave, I was totally the sickness nazi. I had no qualms about sending people home who were sick (especially those higher-ups who had way more sick days which, unlike mine, could be banked and taken at retirement).

Good for you. I wish more employers would send sick people home. I also wish that people wouldn't send their sick kids to school or take them shopping.
The sick day thing is always a tough one.

You don't want people who are sick coming in and spreading things around, so you give people sick days. Then you get people who are always "sick" to milk an extra day or two out of their beach weekends.
yeah - you gotta take the good with the bad, unfortunately. I would rather err on the side of giving too many days off. It's better than spreading germs all over the place. I think the CDC would agree with me.
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