I have hatched a three legged chick

Help! I hatched my first chicks in the incubator yesterday. 100% hatch rate! But once I moved the little guys to the broider box, I noticed that one of the black sex links (RIR sire, barred rock mama) was having a lot of trouble getting around. I checked him out, and he's got a third leg that seems to be growing out from the inside of a fully formed leg. The extra foot looks like two entwined feet. The host leg is struggling to work normally. He's just flopping around and pulling himself across the floor with his good legs
I was prepared for a few surprises, this being my first try. But this was not on my contingency list. What do I do? How can I help him? And has this happened to anyone else?
Ok, I'm trying to get a picture of the little guy. He's doing fine so far. He eats and drinks and chirps normally. He's in the brooder with 11 other chicks, and they aren't picking on him. His problem is mobility.
My initial thought was to cull him. But then I was trumped by my daughter, who was born with an extra thumb. She's four, and laid the guilt on THICK.
As far as I can tell, he's not suffering. Every time I check on the birds I set him at the water and he drinks,and I move him to the feeder and he eats. I leave him there, and he flops back to his little spot to bask under the heat lamp.
I know his chances are slim. I know at some point I'll have to separate him for his own safety. But chickens are social animals. Would it be too cruel to isolate him?
I can't figure out how to get a picture up.
But something kind of strange is happening in the brooder now. The little three legged fellow is one of four black sex link chicks, hanging out with 8 other fluffy yellow ladies. The other black chicks are staying near him. I pick him up often and help him eat and drink. Now the other black chicks, especially the two pullets, have become incredibly defensive of him. As I hold him next to the water, they jump and peck my arm. The yellow girls couldn't care less. Is it possible that they are protecting him from harassment by the other birds? Has anyone ever seen chicks self-segregate like this?
It's just getting weird.

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