I have hatched a three legged chick

Wow, she's beautiful. A truly amazing bird.
I used to work for a hatchery in Delaware. We would see three legged.. four legged and chicks with no beaks all the time. Pretty much a handful at every hatch. Considering how many we hatched on any given day, the ratio of "unique" chicks to normal ones would have been rather low.
Kool info!!!! Guess it is just us chicken lovers that enjoy watching these unique birds grow up.

Trinity is a joy to have, and since she lived in the house so long she is such a pet. I think she sort of knows her name. Definately knows my voice. She is in a secure coop that houses around 30 hens but still hangs with her buddies she grew up with. They have their own special place on the roost, all together, and in the same order every evening. Such creatures of habit.
Just a quick update. Trinity laid her first beautiful olive colored egg yesterday. She is such a pet when I went into the coop she ran to me and ran back to the nest. Guessing she was a pretty proud Hen!

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