I have lots of roosters in my flock!


8 Years
Mar 14, 2011
First off my chickens are amazing, but i need to get rid of roosters. How can i do that? Im trying to sell them. How much could i sell this one for? I have listed 7 on the roosters but is that to much or too little? THey are patridge cochin bantam roosters.
too much, you'll have a hard time giving them away..

Your best best is fried chicken, or crockpot rooster...
do you have a local livestock sale barn? I sold my 8 there last year...gave one to a friend.

I got over $10 each...nice....check around, or you can freezer camp them yourself...or give them away.
Wow he's really pretty. I second the livestock swap. I'm going to have to do that with my two Golden Sebrights. Can't find anyone to take them, and they're sweet, little bitty guys. I guess eating is always an option, but that always makes me sad.
Wow he's really pretty. I second the livestock swap. I'm going to have to do that with my two Golden Sebrights. Can't find anyone to take them, and they're sweet, little bitty guys. I guess eating is always an option, but that always makes me sad.

I only have one golden seabright female, woullove to have more! How can I get yours?
I have the same problem. Too many roosters. Fourteen to be exact. I got them at Tractor Supply and most of them were supposed to be hens.
I put them on Craigs List for $5.00 each, but only sold one so far. That's okay though. They are going into the freezer soon, and I know I'll be happy to have some good chicken and dumplings when winter rolls around. Sounds like that is going to be your best bet too. Too bad in one sense though. Your Partridge Cochin Bantams are very good looking. Good luck!

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