I have one little one hatched under broody!! Picture included


11 Years
Jun 14, 2008
West Central Wisconsin
This is a picture from my Cuckoo Maran hen with one little Cuckoo Maran chick, hatched last night I am guessing?? Will have to wait and see what else happens from the other eggs, the EE eggs are most likely not going to hatch, my EE must of laid in the same box, so I am sure that they are not fertile, or have been there for a much shorter time.

Very cute!
I wonder. My Ameraucanas were laying their eggs on my broody until I removed my broody from the coop. That's why I did remove her. I don't have a roo. I got eggs from someone to put under my broody.
I did that yesterday with my Wyandotte, she went broody, and I don't have a Roo, actually she was to be the roo, so I put RIW that I received in the mail on Thursday under her yesterday!!! so far so good
This is her with the RIW!!
If you put the eggs under her the other day, I would take the baby out. She may choose to raise the baby and think the eggs are duds and give up on them.

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