I have question about 6 wk old chicks


6 Years
Mar 31, 2013
I have 2 red pullets, 2 pullets and 2 straight run one rooster another hen.
We haven't finished there chicken coop yet been raising them indoors, and I just started letting them out last sunday since it was really nice out I built a temporary pen for them so they can get used to being outside and I let them out for few hours and when it starts getting too cold and bout dark I bring them in with no problem. Now today didnt take them out because too windy and rainy but they have been peeping all day long....Is it because they are crying about not being able to go out???I know this is stupid question but is it possible they used to routine and upset cause they didnt to go out today? It seems everyday been taking them out that when they are ready they do the same thing peep loud and once I take them out they are happy....It suprises me because I am a newbie and too see them come up to the box wanting to be picked up to go out and not even fight me when picked up its just amazes me how they respond......
they are about 6 wks old....I have been taking them outside when its been 60 to almost 80 outside and that is the warmest in the sun and bringing in before it even gets dark....I still keep there brooder about 60 in cold spot and about 70 in the warm spot in the brooder....I just figure since didnt take them out today because of windy and rainy that its because they are peeping because they want out....
Id agree with both the boredom and that you didn't take them out. I usually start taking mine out at about seven weeks but since we've had snow nonstop for the last two weeks they haven't been out lately and I'm hearing some protests from their little coop in the mudroom.
My chicks had been inside in their brooder for about six weeks. When i brought them outside for their first day(just to explore. they still lived in the house) they loved it. They began chirping all day every day after that if i didnt bring them out. So yes, I do think they get bored and want to be outside. Now that they are in the coop, they spend most of their time in the run, and are quiet almost all day. Also, when you bring them out to the coop to live there, dont let them go in the run for the first week. It teaches them where to go at night and then you will not have to play chase the chicken to get them into the coop. They will go in by themselves when it starts to get dark. Hope this helps!!
So when I put them in the coop at first your saying don't let them out at all in the chicken run? Another question too is when it gets a little dark outside they will go into their little box that is in there temporary pen, then that is when I usually bring them inside before dusk....

I wanted to say thank you for that about the first week not letting them out of chicken coop otherwise would of had chickens who would of lived outside in their fenced in yard.....I will def keep that in my mind....
I would like to know if I can or if anyone has tried baby wipes for pasty butts? My chicken house is little ways from the house and by the time I get down there with a warm cloth and clean 20 baby's butts its not warm long any advice would b great
Yes. Keep them in the coop itself for the first week. Dont let them in the run. It is basically just so they know where "bed" is. They should just go in by themselves around dusk. And your welcome! And to Abikerchick, no i havent tried baby wipes. Surprisingly, i havent had a chicken with pasty butt.

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