I have three EE's who turned 7 months old just yesterday, one is a Roo, but of the other two young hens only one is laying.


14 Years
Jun 8, 2010
San Francisco
I have two young (just turned 7 months old yesterday) hens. One (Lucy) has been laying very regularly since she was 6 months old (in fact she's laying just about every day), my other young hen (Lucia) started laying for about a week at 6 months and hasn't laid since then? Lucia looks perfectly healthy and active but she hasn't laid since 6 months old. BTW, I have a coop cam which records all activity that's how I know that just Lucy is laying.

I don't know if it is germane to the situation but Lucy is more outgoing than Lucia (although Lucia is getting more confident in recent weeks). I have noticed that Lucia likes to stay near the rooster (Sandy) most of the time. In fact, some times I've seen Sandy seemingly leading Lucia to the nesting box I guess to inspire her to lay? :) Part of me was wondering if Lucia was not as 'mature' as Lucy. BTW, important to mention they all get along fine.

As I mentioned she is eating well, clean vents and eyes and nostrils (whatever you call them on chickens) - normal droppings, zero signs of illness or distress.

Sort of scratching my head on this,, heck even one of my 10+ old hens still lays every other day this time of the year. I'd think my 7 month old Lucia, should be able to keep up with one of my oldest hens. :)

As an unrelated aside: I've never had a rooster (Sandy was a surprise - who thankfully got a name that would work either way) and I now understand how people mention being very attached to their roosters. From day one, he has always been very friendly and follows me about throughout the day when I'm working on cleaning the coops and the runs. The crowing,,, well,, so far so good. I have a secondary door on the enclosed coop portion of the three's chicken coop structure which helps a bit with keeping the morning crows a bit attenuated. Still, so far so good - no neighbors with torches coming towards the house yet <G>... Although I keep my neighbor nearest my yard with a good supply of eggs and honey. :)
I figured it was just a Chase wait and see. The problem is my two older hens which are over 10 years old your birthday was in April I can't remember what their pattern was.
Your pullet is starting to lay eggs, which is nice, and the one who's not quite ready just isn't there yet. Patience!
I'm glad your cockerel is being a good boy, may it continue!
The rooster (I think he graduated to Rooster after 6 months <G>) - has been great. If he finds some bugs or something, he'll call the young hens over so they can eat them; he doesn't eat them himself until the hens have had some. Quite a gentleman in that respect. He does like to mate though, but the young hens seem fine with it, although I may need to increase the number of hens in the near future in a bit so that 'things' get spread around a bit more widely.

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