I have to move my incubator. Any chance my babies will survive? Tips?


5 Years
Feb 6, 2015
My uncle passed away unexpectedly this afternoon and I have to make the trek home.

I have 17 coturnix quail eggs in a brinsea mini eco on day 8 and will likely be leaving tomorrow or the next day. The nearest friend lives about 2 miles down the road and there is no way anyone can come to my house to hand turn my eggs so I don't really have a choice but to transport them as carefully as I can, there and back. I need to attempt to get back before lockdown.

So, do my chickies have a chance?
Two miles is not far. I am assuming you are driving. Pack them as securely as you can for transport. Remember they get turned by mom who also gets off the nest from time to time. Life will always find a way! .... Besides you have no choice right?! I think they will be ok. Sorry for your loss. Good luck!
They should be just fine. I transported 12 eggs that had been started for 20 miles in an egg carton wrapped in a towel. Out of the 12 eggs 10 hatched. They all hatched on day 23 due to the cool down, but they did hatch so be a little more patient. I did try to avoid the bumps on the ride home.
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