I have to talk POLISH!

Yaay, I found "the" Polish thread. Ok, I have a 2 week old...boy, girl? I know, too early right? But what about those spiky things that are showing up already on this baby? And, what color is this baby..barred? Cukoo? Boy, do I have a lot of reading up on this thread, because I just got myself some pretty cute babies...but this one I am showing, I hatched.

See? Spiky things..words I use for the loss of the right words. :p

I would say barred, only because I know that barred chickens have
that spot on the head!

Front cute face. This is a sweet baby

More of the body for color?

And, what's up with the brown in the face? See those spikes?!

A good picture for the coloring..the tail looks barred?
This baby sure has a high vault. Just waiting for the feathers
on the head to start doing something. So far, it's high
because of the vault.

Went back a couple of pages, and saw that mine wasn't the only
one trying to show it's tonsils off..do you see them?
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I'm guessing boy too, those spikes are the beginning of the V Comb, that's the name of the comb Polish have, but it's really way too early to be sure. You can only be sure that it's cute!
I'm guessing boy too, those spikes are the beginning of the V Comb, that's the name of the comb Polish have, but it's really way too early to be sure. You can only be sure that it's cute!

Ok, glad you gave me an either way comment, because I have heard that they can have that funny little comb, fake you out thinking it's a boy, then it turns out to be a girl. I won't post the crying eyes then..
Welcome Cynthia, glad you found us! Lots of information on this thread. Post pics of the chick in a couple of weeks and we'll see how it's going.
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