I have two MEAN roosters.. help


10 Years
Apr 13, 2012
Plantation Acres
So, we got a few silkies as babies and two of them are roosters, they are MEAN they chase our family around, peck our legs and feet, exc. they are SO MEAN! I dont have the heart to butcher them and we cant find anyone to take them... I dont know what to do! I have had to go as far as move my hens to a protected tractor because the roosters are mean to them too... the other hens that were raised with them are also becoming mean. talk about taking the fun out of having them!!

Sorry, but I would suggest you cull them both. There are too many nice roosters in need of good homes to tolerate any human-agressive roos. If you can't do it yourself, try to find someone nearby who processes their own to give them to. You will be able to turn them over to someone who you can trust to dispatch them humanely and then walk away. If that is not possible, call around to area vets and see what they would charge you to euthanize them for you. It shouldn't cost much, it won't take much of the med....
Sorry, but I would suggest you cull them both. There are too many nice roosters in need of good homes to tolerate any human-agressive roos. If you can't do it yourself, try to find someone nearby who processes their own to give them to. You will be able to turn them over to someone who you can trust to dispatch them humanely and then walk away. If that is not possible, call around to area vets and see what they would charge you to euthanize them for you. It shouldn't cost much, it won't take much of the med....

I can't agree more. There are so many good roosters in the world that it makes no sense to keep two that are terrorizing you and your family and your chickens. And viscious roosters shouldn't be allowed to breed, since aggression runs in families.

Do you have any Asian markets nearby? Silkies are an Asian delicacy, and they might know of someone who wants them.

You could also do it yourself. The best way is to secure them upside down (sticking them in a traffic cone with the top cut off so their head sticks out the bottom) and slit their throats. It's not very traumatic for the bird, and there's no flapping and running around.
How old are the roosters now?

I have one that gets his dander up occasionally and i usually pick him up and carry him around in my arms while he is on his back and do that while i am working around the coop 10 mins or so.. I also make sure I touch him on the roost, he does not like it much but oh well.. He is also my best flock defender, I had a neighbor dog come into the yard and was chasing one of the girls and he was on the dog with both feet before we could get there.
They are pretty young yet.. approx 5-6mos old. we used to be able to hold them but we cant anymore without them pecking our wrists.. this is a NEW behavior, they have been chasing us for about a week and pecking us the last couple days.
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They may calm down some if it was me I would give them time, they are going through the raging hormone stage of their teenage years. I don't have silkies but i have a Heritage RIR and a Cochin roo that has seemed to hit the same stage of chasing the girls around like crazy this last week or so and I got those around July last year. My older roosters have calmed down significantly as they have matured and figured out their jobs.
I had the same problem. 1 ended up killing the other then turned on us. We thru him out of the hen house and made him fend for himself. After a week he mellowed out where he wouldnt attack us anymore. I started feeling bad so I started giving him a little corn. Anytime a saw any aggression from him he went without, guess he figgured it out pretty quick cause if i was sitting out side he would come over and stand beside me and let me pet him. Hope it helps!!
I have a Jersey Giant that weighs about 15 lbs. he's getting nastier as he gets older he''s 15mths has anybody had luck figuring out their nastinest?
My suggestion... get past the "No Heart" thing! Butcher the roosters and know that you are getting the last bite! :)

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