I highly recommend this ebay seller for Delawares


10 Years
Jun 19, 2009
Holland, Massachusetts
I just ordered hatching eggs from ebay. I never thought I would go through ebay to buy chickens or eggs, but this seller changed my mind. I have read so many posts on BYC from people who have had bad luck with eggs they ordered from ebay, and convinced myself it was not worth the trouble.
I have been looking for true Delawares for 3 months now and was getting quite desperate. I have made inquiries all over the place and I was getting nowhere and impatient. I will be getting some from a local source in a couple of weeks, but I also wanted to get more eggs from an other source to have genetic diversity in my flock. So I looked on ebay, saw one listing that sounded kind of shady and there was only one other listing besides the shady one. I checked out the other listing and was impressed with what the seller said in her description. I did not know how to bid on ebay, so I sent the seller an email. She was quick and kind in her response. She offered to list eggs for me in the buy it now section. I bombarded her with questions over the next few days and she was always pleasant and helpful with her responses.
Her name is Johanna and she is from PA. Her ebay seller name is freeiibeme. She only has Delawares, but it was EXACTLY what I was looking for. I highly recommend her to anyone who is looking for Delawares and is thinking about ebay. She gets
from this buyer
I'll just have to wait and see if the eggs survive the USPS and hatch well

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I've gotten hatchinig eggs from eBay several times, with NO bad luck at all. Guess I'm lucky (?)

There are several BYC-ers who have Delawares, by the way, if you're looking for them in the future.
Please post some pics as the birds grow. I'm curious to see what they look like. I was looking at one of their auctions back this spring trying to add another line but they seemed to look too much like a columbian influence like many of the hatchery birds.
She has an auction going on now for 12 eggs. She has updated the photo of her flock on the auction site, and she sent me some photos a few days ago via email. The photo on the auction site is just one of the few that she sent to me.I know she does not have hatchery stock. She got her birds from a breeder in (of all the places in this country) Delaware. She even drove from PA to Delaware to see the breeders stock!
I too have seen some auctions that the parent stock does not look true. (I have checked out several breeds, not just Delawares and was not impressed by what I saw.) Or, I questioned the authenticity of the photos. You can't tell if the photos are copy/pasted from the internet or if they are really photos of what the seller has in their back yard.
I will definately post pics once the eggs hatch so that I can get opinions from you experts on this site.

If any of the experts out there want to check out her auction, just to see what her birds look like, please let me know what you think. I am still learning and would like the opinion of some well trained eyes that may see flaws that I did not notice. Thanks
I posted this under my husband's user name....but it's me, popcornpuppy
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I actually bought some deleware eggs from freeiibeme on ebay. I received 12 and only hatched out 5. I ended up with 4 hens and one roo. They are 5 weeks old now and beautiful!

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