I hit my rooster in the head what do I do

chicken vs duck

In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 1, 2013
south eastern ohio
I hit my rooster in the head out of fear because it was chasing me and a started swinging my plastic pole behind me and hit him in the head.at first he started to look like he was having a seisure and was moving the direction he got hit. I went to look at him to see if he was fine but he just limped away and I didn't even hit him in the leg.he has a bloody eye and nose.I checked on him a couple minutes later and he seems to be fine but I'm worried and he is still bleeding I feel really guilty and sry for him
I doubt if there is much you can do for him if he has a brain injury. If you can catch him when he is sleeping later, you could put him in a cage to make sure he is eating/drinking. If his eye is injured, you could use some antibiotic ointment in it or flush it with normal saline. There are many threads here to help in rehabilitating aggressive roosters if you do a search at the top of the page.
Don't do anything leave him be there nothing you can do anyway messing with him is only gonna aggravate any internal injuries.
I hit my rooster in the head out of fear because it was chasing me and a started swinging my plastic pole behind me and hit him in the head.at first he started to look like he was having a seisure and was moving the direction he got hit. I went to look at him to see if he was fine but he just limped away and I didn't even hit him in the leg.he has a bloody eye and nose.I checked on him a couple minutes later and he seems to be fine but I'm worried and he is still bleeding I feel really guilty and sry for him

Stop running from him and relax. He will not be able to cause you real harm but you obviously can do such to him with minimal effort. If he is valued then start working with him to break aggressive pattern, otherwise re-home or eat him.
I agree, when roosters chase you they really don't harm you much but we get scared anyway. The most a rooster will do is kick you and peck you once or twice. To tame him carry him around your property several times throughout the day and interact with him. Give him treats from your hands and never hit him. From what I've learned when my siblings tap the rooster on the wing for chasing them or in turn chase him, he gets more aggravated and will be more likely to want to attack them. What I do with the birds is when he chases me I stop walking, turn around and pick him up. I give him treats and speak kindly to him. Now my male birds don't even chase me.
If the rooster is being aggressive to the point you cannot control him except by hitting him in the head PLEASE either rehome or eat him. He probably knows you and your sister are afraid of him so its not hard for him to get his way. Now, you will probably eventual lose him if the injury is bad enough. If not please, for the roosters sake, rehome him. There are too many good roosters out there that need homes.

Obviously your place is not the place for him.
Well this rooster just bit a huge chunk out of my sisters leg yesterday so I didn't want the same thing to happen to me

Show us a picture of him so the process of rehabilitation can begin. This will avoid the perceived need to takes chunks out of him for the purpose of retribution. What I am suggesting will empower you. Otherwise act in a decisive manner to remove threat. If you repeatedly combat him intentionally then consider how that is defined by parties concerned about welfare of animals.
Ok he is doing fine now and there seems to be no problem with him but he still keeps attacking me ,I'm just gonna try to isolate him because he keeps trying to kill my hens/ he was doing fine at the begining of the year then he got really mean idk why though

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