I hit my rooster in the head what do I do

Whether you were trying to hurt him or not, you are still going to have to either learn to deal with him or get rid of him so you don't have to keep battling him whenever you go out to your chickens. What kind of life is it for your rooster to have to keep dodging whatever you are using to defend yourself? I personally don't have the time or patience for a rooster that is human aggressive. Centrarchid has a method that he uses to break roosters of their aggression. You might want to PM him and ask how to do that if you want to keep this rooster. If you don't want to deal with it, you need to find him a new home or plan on chicken and dumplings some night for supper.
If he is that aggressive to were he takes a chunk out of you (come on, I've known roosters who pecked and left a small puncture but a chunk?) then you need to cull him or rehome him. Never ever hit your animals on purpose. The poor thing is probably traumatized. Get rid of him one way or another and get a more friendly, docile rooster. Raise it from chick so it is tame and friendly.

Some docile breeds of roosters are : Brahmas, Silkies, Cochin, Australorp, Barred Rock, Buff Orpington, Seramas.
I don't tolerate aggressive Roos. Into the stewpot they go. We haven't had mean rooster pot pie in a long time. I've culled mean roosters and been left with really good tempered boys who've passed on their nice manners to their babies.
X 2, only the nice roosters should be daddies!

If he is living in fight mode 24/7 then he can't be happy either find him a new address or send him to freezer camp.
It's not unbelievable that a rooster took a chunk out of someone. Our neighbor had a rooster jump at her, and she held up her metal watering bucket, his spurs went right through the bucket. A rooster cancause harm. Just make sure you wear long pants out there or big boots and you'll be fine.
Quote: Seriously? I've seen some pretty big roosters with huge spurs and they *could* definitely hurt someone, especially a child. Come to think of it, one at the feed store flogged me once and even though I was prepared, it still hurt a bunch.

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I think some on this thread have never really had a real aggressive rooster or been spurred a time or two by one. If you have ever been spurred you would walk with eyes behind your back too. I was spurred once and it bled and hurt like crazy. In fact, I was unable to even walk on that leg for one day. I was never mean to that rooster. I was the one he was used to seeing everyday and he decided he was going to take me down every time he saw me. Sure, if I turned around in time I could stop the attack, but only while I was facing him. I couldn't go about my business because, well, I don't have eyes behind my back!
Gamefowl. Lots. Hit harder, faster, more sustained than your fluffy butts. Also much more capable of going after face of 6'2" adult. I will have to to offer a class on what an attack is and how it can be responded to in a manner where no one gets hurt.

I will also show you spurs I got popped by yesterday and they were powered by a gamerooster, not a chunky Rhode island Red.

It is time to toughen up and get proactive. It is easy to break them of attacking and even easier to prevent it just by tweaking your husbandry technique a little. When you have the problem consistently with your animals attacking you then it is time to consider that you need to change your approach.

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