I hit my rooster in the head what do I do

First involves fully adult roosters is how your actions impact the hens and chicks of the rooster's harem. My games are most likely to attack you when you scare his offspring or their mother. His efforts will not be about dominance, rather repelling a threat and it is with that which motivates the attacks to the face. First avoid stressing those hens and chicks. This means no grabbing or chasing members of his harem during the day. If he does attack, do not respond. I like to freeze up and if need be cover my face. Your lack of moving will cause him to calm down. Over time the rooster and the harem will calm. Frequent non-threatening interactions as part of everyday routine help suppress such aggression. Remember you are much bigger than the chicken so try to consider how your actions in a given setting might be interpreted as a threat.

Great advice! My chickens live together 24/7, I interact with them maybe a total of 10 to 30 minutes a day. I am the "outsider" and am glad to be accepted when I visit, if the roo ever feels the need to get aggressive with me I will FIRST ask myself "What can I do better, what can I change that will calm the flock and the roo?"

Also there is a big difference between "not backing down" and being a "jerk"; whether it comes to dogs or chickens. I have a lot more canine than chicken experience, however people advocate the "dominate often to maintain control" thing with dogs too, I know for a fact that is about human insecurity and NOT required to raise up good dogs of any breed.
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If I were you, I'd cull or rehome the bird and getting a better friendlier rooster. Thats the best option since you claim he is attacking you and harming your hens. What breed is he? Breed can determine how aggressive your rooster will be.
Gamefowl. Lots. Hit harder, faster, more sustained than your fluffy butts. Also much more capable of going after face of 6'2" adult. I will have to to offer a class on what an attack is and how it can be responded to in a manner where no one gets hurt.

I will also show you spurs I got popped by yesterday and they were powered by a gamerooster, not a chunky Rhode island Red.

It is time to toughen up and get proactive. It is easy to break them of attacking and even easier to prevent it just by tweaking your husbandry technique a little. When you have the problem consistently with your animals attacking you then it is time to consider that you need to change your approach.

I no longer have a problem and haven't had one since. Lead took care of that problem. Breeding from non aggressive males has prevented any additional problems.
I like this rooster and try my best to get him to like me,all the hens like me just not him and I don't want to get rid of him I just want him to be nice and kind so if you guys have any suggestions on making an agressive chicken nice Id like to hear them
I like this rooster and try my best to get him to like me,all the hens like me just not him and I don't want to get rid of him I just want him to be nice and kind so if you guys have any suggestions on making an agressive chicken nice Id like to hear them

He doesn't have to like you, but he needs to respect you. Make sense? Read up on body language and figure out how to present yourself in a way that shows no fear.

The kids next door are afraid of the geese, and the geese know it, so they chase the kids.... Never any other kids, just those that are afraid.

He doesn't have to like you, but he needs to respect you. Make sense? Read up on body language and figure out how to present yourself in a way that shows no fear.


In a way that is NOT threatening to his harem or territory and also shows no fear.

Though I am not sure this rooster will be a continuing "problem" all things considered, but future animals/chickens/roosters will be if the handler/owner is not educated regarding body language.
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I'm the rooster here, they are *my* hens, not their hens, lol. Same thing with the horses and dog... I'm alpha mare and top dog, no one messes with me. :D


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