I hope I didn't kill my baby, I wrote the dates down wrong!!!!


12 Years
Oct 22, 2007
Wellsville, UT
I have some eggs in the hatcher and according to my wonderful documenting skills they were to hatch Monday. Monday came and nothing, Tuesday nothing, today at lunch I saw nothing. So I pulled an egg out of the hatcher to see why they died again and noticed a small crack. Didn't think anything of it.
Pulled out my pocket knife and flicked off a very large part of the shell. The membrane was intact. All of a sudden the membrane started pushing and moving! I almost dropped the egg!
I immediately put it back in the hatcher and added a wet washcloth to increase the humidity. Do you think it will make it? I never punctured the membrane and there was no blood or anything, just movement. If it lives this will be the first hatch for me this year. I had quail hatching and had a temp spike and cooked them all. Thankfully DH bought me a new bator. Hopefully i didn't compromise this little guy hatching. Lesson learned.... They are either late, or I didn't put the right date on the eggs.......

Thanks for your thoughts on this, and please send good hatching vibes. These are silkies that I got from a member here and I really really want these beauties to hatch! I'm also using the egg carton method this go round.
i think he will be ok especially since he had already piped the egg. jsut elave him alone. how much shell did you remove. juts be sure and watch and make sure that the membrane doesnt sry out. thats all i have read from everyone here. but i really think it should be ok
The piece I flicked off was about the size of a dime. When I flicked it off the membrane was fairly rubbery that's why I added a wet cloth. Since I did this, the chick has pipped through the membrane and is now chirping.

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