I just bought a butternut squash - what do I do with it?

How much space did the squash plants take? I just have this visual of my entire yard taken over by giant squash plants...........
They don't take up nearly as much space as my pumpkin plants. You could grow six or so plants in a 10 x 10' space. You can trim back the runners if they start leaving their allocated space.
lastnight I took one and cut it in half,
scooped ot seeds/pulp and placed face down in
a baking dish with 1/2" water and covered with foil.
baked til fork tender and scooped all the inside out
into a bowl. added butter, brown sugar, cinnamon
and vanilla then beat with a mixer. spray a bakingdish
with non-stick spray and poured it in anc overed with
marshmallows. baked for 20-30 mins. let it cool down a bit
and thicken up a bit. it was soooo good. even my pickest eatters
loved it.

I'm originally from eastern IL. The first time I took my husband back there we took a walk in the woods and we sat down on the dead leaves. He grabbed a handful of the black, loose, leaf composted dirt and he was amazed and he called it potting soil. We have black dirt here too.....but we prefer to call it clay!

It was too hot even for my raised beds. But we do have something here that you don't have there....winter gardens!
Yeah, come mid January I'll be wishing I was in Texas.

We bury hundreds of pounds of carp in the field for fertilizer. We can dig down 24" before we run out of black dirt.

Many years ago I headed down to OK for a summer trip. I took my beater '78 IH Scout that had been a daily commuter vehicle in Chicagoland. It had no piece of sheet metal that hadn't been rusted through from all the salt spread during the Chicago winters. I stopped at a store down there and an older gentleman saw the truck and strolled over. He rubbed his chin as he examined the truck. Finally, he announced, smiling "Ya'll aren't from around here." For a moment I figured it was because the truck wasn't covered in that red clay all the local vehicles had stuck to them. (or more obviously because of the IL plates) I replied "No sir, I'm from just outside Chicago." He then said in a most amused way. "I ain't never seen no rust like that."
Fry it. I remember begging my Mum for fried butternut squash as a kid.

Peel, seed and cut into chunks about 2 inches thick. Boil in water until squash is tender when poked with a fork but doesn't fall apart.

Remove and drain well.

Take a pan with about an inch or 2 of oil and heat. Add boiled squash pieces and fry on each side until the outside is crispy.

End result is a lovely crispy outside with a wonderful soft sweet inside.

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